Page 33 - cs_u2
P. 33

Oftentimes, people bite their nails without even realizing it.
               Hand placed on the Cheek: This example of body language can indicate that a person is lost in

               thought,  or  is  considering  something.  Sometimes  when  the  hand  is  on  the  cheek,  it  is
               accompanied by a furrowed brow, which further demonstrates deep concentration. A person lost
               in his or her own thoughts to such an extent is not paying attention to the speaker anymore.

               Sitting on the edge of the seat: There‘s a reason this has become a phrase meaning ―to be in
               suspense.‖ When you sit at the edge of your seat, it signals that you are physically or mentally

               on edge.
                3.4.6. GESTURES

               A gesture is the verbal or nonverbal body movement used to express or emphasize an idea, an
               emotion, or a state of mind. Gesture is defined as a ‗visible bodily action by which meaning is

               represented‘  (Kendon,  1983).  This  includes  manual  gestures,  movements  of  the  whole  body
               (shoulder-shrug), head movements (nodding) and facial expressions (smiling) (Givens, 1999).
               The movements of arms, hands, legs, shoulders and neck are termed gestures. While gestures

               vary greatly across communities, they are generally used to convey information to others, both
               intentionally  and  unintentionally.  Gestures  serve  as  an  effective  window  to  peep  into  an

               individual‘s mind.
               Applause (clapping), the victorious ‗V,‘ a thumbs up (all right, done, all the best) or a thumbs
               down (rejection or defeat), a raised pointer finger (seeking permissions, warnings), and other

               universal gestures are examples. Foot tapping and finger tapping are all signs of restlessness,
               agitation, anxiety, and even boredom. A shrug can be used to express several meanings such
               as ―That‘s it,‖, ―Who cares,‖ or ―What can I do?‖ depending on the context of expression.

               Here are certain gestures and messages they convey.
               Gestures                                     Message

               Yawning                                      Boredom, lack of interest
               Scratching the head                          frustration

               Palm rub                                     excitement
               Locked fingers                               Negative reaction/defensive response
               Eye and ear rub                              Falsehood and deceit

               Nail Biting                                  Anxiety, tension, nervousness

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