Page 49 - cs_u2
P. 49

intonation to ask a question. The higher register appeases the request for information and is
               often accompanied by diffident palm-up gestures and by submissive shoulder-shrugs (Givens,


                       There are various things that can vary and also affect our perception of tone of voice.
               They include:

                     Increasing loudness or softness (of a syllable, word phrase or sentence).
                     Raised  or  lowered  pitch  can  convey  things  like  fear,  anxiety,  or  tension,  or
                       designate a question.

                     Raspiness due to muscular tensions in the larynx when someone speaks.
                     Tempo can be increased or decreased. Speaking quickly tends to  communicate
                       urgency  or  a  high  emotional  state.  Slow  tempos  give  the  impression  of



                       This  factor  takes  into  account  three  elements:  characterizers,  qualifiers  and  vocal
               segregates.  Characterizers  are  emotions  that  are  expressed  while  speaking.  Examples  are
               smiling, frowning or yawning.

                       A voice qualifier refers to the style of delivering a message. Vocal segregates are like
               fillers  or  short  sounds  such  as  ok,  all  right,  hmm,  oh,  and  uh. They  inform  a  speaker  that  a
               listener is listening. Vocal differentiators are specialized vocal sounds that communicate a wide

               gamut of messages. Some vocal differentiators are given in the table below.

                    Yawning                  Snoring                    Sharp exhaling
                    Laughing                 Yelling                    Sharp inhaling

                    Crying                   Clearing the throat        Spitting
                    Sucking                  Coughing                   Hissing

                    Giggling                 Sneezing                   Moaning
                    Whispering               Hiccoughing                Groaning
                    Sniffing                 Sighing                    Slurping

                    Swallowing               Gurgling

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