Page 53 - cs_u2
P. 53

how  quickly  time  passes  when  you  are  interested  in  and  therefore  engaged  in  something.
               Physical time refers to the fixed cycles of days, years, and seasons. Physical time, especially

               seasons,  can  affect  our  mood  and  psychological  states.  Cultural  time  refers  to  how  a  large
               group of people view time.


                       The technical term for the voice c ues that accompany spoken words is paralanguage. It
               is more concerned with the sound of the voice and the variety of meanings that people convey

               through their voices than with the words they use. The volume and the tone of the voice also
               communicate messages. Silence also communicates in its own way.
                       Chronemics is the study of how people use time as a mode of nonverbal communication.

               The way we perceive time, structure it, and react to it is a powerful communication tool.

                  LEARNING OUTCOMES

               On completion of the lesson, students will be able to

                     Define and distinguish Paralanguage and Chronemics

                     Understand the significance of the tone of voice

                     Understand how usage of time communicates non-verbally


               Paralanguage, Chronemics, volume of voice, tone, silence, sign language

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